Quick start your development with OpenAI-generated utterances!

Free words have power wooden

Generating quality utterances can be a challenge, especially when in the initial stages of development.

We typically manually generate enough utterances to get us started, while in parallel creating crowd-soucing jobs to grab real utterances provided by the business users.

The new OpenAI chat can help us in the first part, which is creating enough utterances to get development going. It is pretty resourceful in generating what we ask for, but keep in mind that it does not provide the level of variance or level of real-life human-produced utterances.

utterances about HR policies

The more information you provide the better the outcome is.

utterances to cancel a meeting
small talk utterances

This is a fantastic tool to create utterances quickly, but it does not replace the need to have real human-generated utterances from domain specialists. If you do not believe me, just ask the AI 🙂