Guide on the Oracle Integration Cloud SalesForce Adapter – Invoke

Up until recently we would need to generate a Salesforce (SF) Enterprise WSDL in order to create a connection in OIC. That is no longer the case, it’s extremely easy to set this up 🙂

I have a SF developer instance. Interesting to note that the OIC Connection wizard for SF only offers 2 instance types – Production and Sandbox. My developer instance credentials only work with the Production type. 

Apart from that you just need your SF credentials and the API version (which you can find inside your SF instance) 

And that’s it!

We can now create a Scheduled Integration that will Invoke a Salesforce Integration point. But before doing that let’s look at all the Integration Points exposed with the Adapter.

Query Information

“If you selected Query Information on the Action page to enter a Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) or Salesforce Object Search Language (SOSL) query to send as a request to the Salesforce application,the following options are displayed….Query/Retrieve/Search”

Create, Update or Delete Information

“Create, Update, Upsert, or Delete Information: Represents the create, read, update, upsert, delete, or destroy operation to perform on Salesforce business objects. Each letter maps to a standard SQL statement, HTTP method, or DDS operation.”

Perform Bulk Data Operations

Perform Core or Utility Operations

Invoke Apex Web Services

Integration to Create a Lead in Salesforce

In this App Driven Orchestration there is a REST Trigger and we use the Create Information option from the SF adapter

In the SF Adapter we choose: 

Option: Create, Update or Delete Information

Operation: Create Object: Lead

We map the input to the SF request

The test can be done within OIC which always makes things easier.

We can verify the results in 2 places. First the OIC monitoring activity where all seems good!

And finally we verify the Lead created in SF as expected!