Process Automation with Process Cloud Service (PCS) – Part 5 – (Publish & Activate)

This is the final post in the process of creating an automated process workflow using the Process Cloud Service.

Here I will Publish & Activate the process created before (check Part1, Part2, Part3 and Part4).

Publish Process

The Publishing of a process makes those changes available. Thing of this as pushing your changes in a CI/CD world. We cannot Activate a process before Publishing it. Any subsequent change to the process will need to be published (saving it does not make it available to other participants)

The process can be published with the top right button Publish.

Activate Process

Once we published our process it can activated.

You can choose which version to activate – in this case the Last Published Version is also the only available version!

You can activate multiple versions.

Roles, User and Groups

Under MyTasks/Administration you can find ManageRoles where you can add roles/users/groups to the Swim-lanes and as well to the process Owners, Reviewer or Approver.

For this simple process I added 2 different users to the role of Manager and Employee (the 2 swim-lanes in my process)


As a requestor I initiate a request.

That request is visible in MyTasks/Processes.


When I log with my other user (which is an Approver), I can see the request under MyTasks, where I can manage the request.


These series shows the main steps of creating an automated business process with the process cloud service, and the basic framework on top of which more advanced processes can be build.

You can find more information in the documentation site together with some tutorials.

One final note to the fact that PCS is part of the OIC Platform which means all those capabilities (both Integration and VBCS) are available for PCS. This is a big positive difference when looking at other BPM solutions. OIC offers and integrated platform with all the necessary tools for a complete solution, from UI (Forms or VBCS) to backend (Integration and adapters).

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