Customers usually manage multiple systems to support their business activities, and these systems are directly related to the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system.
Each of these systems is capable of generating substantial volumes of financial transaction data. To meet the requirements of a single consolidated view, there is a need to seamlessly integrate this data into the Oracle ERP system, preferably in an automated manner.
Real-time data synchronization can be critical in certain scenarios, particularly for businesses that rely heavily on up-to-date information and require immediate data availability across systems. In such cases, an integration pattern that supports real-time data synchronization might be more appropriate to ensure seamless and instantaneous data updates across the ERP and connected systems.
Real-Time Data Sync

When discussing real-time integration, we refer to utilizing REST APIs for seamless data exchange. In the diagram mentioned above, the left side represents source applications responsible for generating triggers or directly calling services to initiate real-time integration. This process can involve the source application making a REST API call to OIC (Oracle Integration Cloud) to trigger an integration flow. Alternatively, the source application may push a message to a streaming topic, to which OIC actively subscribes. This subscription enables OIC to instantly consume the message, thereby initiating the real-time integration flow.
Regardless of the options above, an OIC Integration will be executed, that will convert the received message payload into the Oracle ERP request API payload. Depending on the desired action (object exists or not) a create or an update call can be made.
Any errors in these end-to-end processing should be properly handled in such a way that it can be retried, or at least flagged for retry.
Implementation Example
As mentioned above, the trigger to this integration can be an OIC Streaming Event, an OIC Event, or an OIC REST (which is the chosen solution below). The control lies on the source application which is responsible to start the process.
In this particular example, I define a request payload for the POST action.

You will then be asked to provide a sample (file or inline) of the payload.

Then we need the Oracle ERP Adapter, where we will choose the first option – Query, Create, Update or Delete Information – which is a very fancy way of saying REST API’s with CRUD operations.

For this post’s purpose, I picked a random business object from the drop-down – but the idea here is to highlight the process, where each business object offers another list of supported operations.

The main work here is the mapping of the incoming request into the business object from Oracle ERP – this does require detailed knowledge of the domain and the API.

Finally, you get the below-simplified integration which allows you to implement a real-time integration with Oracle ERP.

OIC Gen 3 Docs: https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/paas/application-integration/
Oracle ERP Adapter: https://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=en/cloud/paas/application-integration&id=ICSER-GUID-5ED9E9D5-66F4-4EAA-87D7-75BD405C1E07