This is an updated take on an older post.
Customers usually manage multiple systems to support their business activities, and many of these systems are directly related to the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system.
Each of these systems is capable of generating substantial volumes of financial transaction data. To meet the requirements of a single consolidated view, there is a need to seamlessly integrate this data into the Oracle ERP system, preferably in an automated manner.
Given that many of these systems produce files and real-time data synchronization is not always necessary (most cases only require a daily update), we can design an integration pattern based on file transfers. This approach will ensure efficient and timely data exchange, making the integration process more manageable and resource-friendly.
Bulk Import of Files

While the above diagram is self-explanatory there are some things to consider.
First and foremost, the files that Oracle ERP accepts need to be in a specific format.
Oracle ERP FBDI (File-Based Data Import) files are a specific format used for data imports and integration in Oracle Cloud ERP systems. They provide a standardized way to import large volumes of data into Oracle Cloud ERP applications. FBDI files are typically used when there is a need to load massive amounts of data from external sources into the ERP system, such as during initial implementations, data migrations, or regular data updates.
Ideally, we want the files to be delivered in that format already (but OIC can transform those files in the desired target format as well – hence the Enrich/Transform step in the above diagram)
FTP Adapter
So, let’s assume the files are delivered to an FTP location in the expected FBDI format. We will need an FTP Adapter to pick those files up.
All the settings here are meant to read a file in a certain directory with a certain name.

If the file is already in the specified FBDI format there is no need to process it, which means you don’t need to specify its schema.

Oracle ERP Adapter
Then we need to add to the canvas the Oracle ERP Adapter.
The batch file import is the second option (the first would show the available REST APIs – more on that later for a different pattern).

Then we can pick from the list of available ERP operations the one we want. Check here for the list of supported operations.
The great thing about the adapter is that abstracts complexity. This single operation will do the “Upload to UCM” and “Load and Import” operations described in the initial diagram.

This option on what to do after the above operation completes is slightly different than it was a couple of years back. We no longer need to implement a flow that refers to the integration flow that submits the file. Instead, we can subscribe to a real-time event. Regardless, in this screen below, we should check the box if we want to get information back on the status of the import job.

In the end, you should have something similar to the below (which is the bare minimum, without any consideration of error handling scenarios)

Receive the event
If you want to receive the event with the status of the import job, you must create a flow from the Application Type.

You select the “receive callback message upon completion of FBDI bulk…” which is an event itself and you won’t need the integration identifier and version like in older versions. The entire process is simplified.

Finally, you choose the event you need.

This is the core logic, then you decide what to do based on the information you get from ERP (job successful or not)
OIC Gen 3 Docs: https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/paas/application-integration/
Oracle ERP Adapter: https://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=en/cloud/paas/application-integration&id=ICSER-GUID-5ED9E9D5-66F4-4EAA-87D7-75BD405C1E07