ODA Handy FreeMarker Expressions


This will be one of those posts I will use for easy access whenever looking for some Apache FreeMarker Expressions. This is all documented in the ODA docs.

Handy Expressions

In your flows, you can use FreeMarker expressions for a variety of purposes. Here are some commonly-used expressions.

Tip: Autocompletion guides you through writing these (and other) Apache FreeMarker expressions.

OperationFreemarker ExpressionResult Type
Get name of parent flow${system.parentFlow}String
Get event payload${skill.system.event.value.EVENT_NAME}JSON object
Access NLP result${skill.system.nlpresult.value}JSON object
Access skill-scope variable${skill.VAR_NAME} 
Access flow-scope variable${VAR_NAME} 
Access flow input param${INPUT_PARAM_NAME} 
Access user-scope variable${user.VAR_NAME} 
Access profile-scope variable${profile.VAR_NAME} 
Get Answer Intent answer${skill.system.event.value.intent.answer}Note: You can also use ${skill.system.event.value.answerIntent.answer}. 
Get intent name${skill.system.event.value.intent.intentName}String
Get error message${skill.system.event.value.dialogError.errorMessage}String
Access Resource bundle entry${skill.system.rb.RB_ENTRY_NAME}Resource Bundle
Access the value of a custom parameter${skill.system.config.CUSTOM_PARAMETER_NAME}String