With the Oracle Digital Assistant (ODA) custom components (powered by Bot Node SDK) we can establish connectivity to anything that has a REST endpoint.
What if we need to connect to a SOAP endpoint, or if we need to always re-use existing integrations? Then we can leverage the Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) for this, and invoke that Integration (REST) from the ODA custom component.
Below is a simple example of that implementation, where we receive an OrderId and call an OIC endpoint that takes OrderID as parameter and returns OrderStatus.
- The password needs to be in base64
- The fetch module is already included by default in the SDK
- with conversation.logger().info we can write messages to the ODA custom component log
- name: ‘ordertrackercc’ , this is the component name that can be invoked in the dialog flow
- There are a couple of TODOs in the above code. Failure transition was not implemented
You can then pack the component with:
bots-node-sdk pack <custom component service name>
Import it to ODA, and then it can be invoked from the dialog flow
component: "ordertrackercc"
orderid: "${order}"
sucess: loop
failure: error
It’s quite simple to implement this and it’s ideal for more complex Integrations as it switches the load onto OIC which is made to handle all kind of Integrations.